Orien L Tulp

Department of Medicine, University of Science Arts and Technology, Montserrat, USA


  • Review Article   
    Efficacy of a Biophotonics Adjunct in Viral and Microbial Infections
    Author(s): Orien L Tulp* and George P Einstein

    Discovery and development of effective strategies to treat emerging and often drug resistant strains of viral and microbial pathogens presents one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Despite nearly a century of progress in developments in antimicrobial and antiviral therapies, infectious diseases still account for a substantial proportion of deaths worldwide. This toll includes over 100 million globally in the recent pandemic to date. In recent decades, the plague of antimicrobial resistance has also represented an additional and alarming signal for both human and animal healthcare and now signals a renewed sense of urgency in addressing this issue. This has made the search for novel classes of antibiotics, antivirals and therapeutics found to be capable of bypassing the microbial and viral resistance mechanisms necessary. Thus, attempts to replenish our current arsenal of.. Read More»

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