Motivation among Hospital Service Providers
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Editorial - Journal of Contemporary Medical Education (2021)

Motivation among Hospital Service Providers

Robert Brown*
Department of Health Sciences, University of Lleida, Spain
*Corresponding Author:

Robert Brown, Department of Health Sciences, University of Lleida, Spain, Email:

Received: 25-Aug-2021 Published: 22-Sep-2021

Developing positive and progressive attitude among the service providers including all associates is an important task for a hospital administrator. There are several approaches to develop the attitudes and administrator with the assistance of HRD should be able to lead the processes. Communication, public relations and excellent leadership qualities are all tools to be utilized for attaining excellence in the development of attitudes. Motivating the associates to serve the patients in the right spirit is essential in a hospital scenario. The motivational practices should aim at developing a team spirit, coordination and cooperation among all associates, with a sole purpose of providing excellent patient care. Individuals have their own objectives and needs which are important to them, apart from the organizational objectives. Through the function of leading, managers help people to realize that they can satisfy their own needs and utilize their full potential at the same time, to achieve the aims of the organization. This requires an understanding of the roles assumed by people, their individuality and their dignity. People have different needs, ambitions, attitudes, desire for respect, responsibility, level of knowledge and potential. Without understanding the complexity and individuality of people, the generalizations about motivation and leadership may be misplaced. No single model is sufficient to explain the full range of individual and organizational behavior. It would be appropriate to believe that workers differ with respect to their perception of the organization, their level of aspirations, their experiences and their reference groups. Managers will have to take into consideration all the factors described above in deciding to use appropriate techniques while designing approaches to employee motivation. Training and retraining and their evaluation should definitely enhance the confidence levels of all and result in providing quality patient care. Every hospital shall evolve their own policies of in-service training and evaluation methods. Training is uasually needed where there is a special problem interfering with any work or service such as excessive turnover among new employees or among a particular category of employees, breakage, high accident rate etc. A training program developed with problem solving approach is bound to have the support of supervisors because they realize its usefulness. In hospitals and health care organizations, the professionals differ in the nature of their needs and the level of their need satisfaction than the rest of the employees. The professionals tend to be more committed to their professional rather than to the organization. They are dedicated to their work and like to have freedom to provide self-direction. A great deal of communication cut across the chain of command. Crosswise communication covers horizontal flow of information with people on same organizational level and also diagonal flow with persons at different levels who have no direct reporting relationships. Administrators must know not only what is happening at various levels of the organization internally and externally, but also why it is happening and its implications on organization environment. Effective communication will help in creating an internal environment and external relationship necessary for organizational effectiveness. In an atmosphere of open communication, the employees will be more committed to the organization.



Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts.